March 1, 1998
marked a record win for Princeton University during the men's
and women's indoor track and field competition, known as the Heptagonals.
Princeton scored a record win against the Ivy Leagues and first
time win for both men and women since 1985.
So what gave these
athletes the winning edge? Perhaps the teamwork of Dr. Jeanmarie
Speeney, Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine and National Sports Massage
Therapist, Clare Caldwell.
does sports massage make a difference? Timing and specificity
says Caldwell. Caldwell had primed each athlete with pre-event
loose muscles! Relaxed muscles groups, specifically quads, hamstrings
and claves can give athletes greater endurance, speed and power.
The massages were set for 8-minute sessions three to five days
prior to competition. Then, the day of competition athletes received
8-minute sessions right up to the minute before the event. Caldwell's
hands and fingers worked with the speed and precision experience
of an Olympic therapist, for which she has attained the greatest
degree of training.
Speeney and Caldwell
handled specific problems like plantar tendon strain, groin pulls,
shin splints, low back tightening, piriformis strain, tight IT
bands and nervous jitters. Caldwell treated 10 athletes every
hour and a half.
Dr. Speeney was able to increase
each athlete's performance by correcting their spinal and pelvic
misalignments, which when present, interferes with normal muscular
function. Speeney and Caldwell, a dynamic duo, helped the Princeton
Tigers soar to a great win!